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Growth Factor (GF) Technology for Hair & Skin

What is Growth Factor Technology? 

GF-technology refers to AQ's advanced, cutting edge methods of artificially producing human growth factors and utilizing them in topical skin care products. Growth factors (GF) are found in many different cell types in the human body. They are a group of specialized proteins with many functions, the most important being the activation of cellular proliferation and differentiation.

What is GF used for? 

Growth factors are vital to maintaining a youthful appearance. The skin and scalp contain multiple growth factors that regulate natural cellular renewal and damage repair processes to keep skin healthy and to maintain a normal hair growth cycle. These growth factors are responsible for helping to reverse the visible effects of chronological aging and premature aging due to environmental factors. The consequences of environmental exposure and the normal processes of aging lead to excessive free radical damage of skin and scalp cellular components, resulting in the breakdown of collagen and elastin networks in the dermis and producing the effect of visible facial aging. This same type of damage eventually impairs growth factor function, so they are less able to repair oxidative damage, and the damage becomes permanent.

Advances in GF-technology are providing help for reversing the signs of aging. Growth factors can now be produced in a laboratory for topical use. In multiple clinical studies, topically applied GF have been shown to reduce the signs of skin aging, including statistically significant reductions in fine lines and wrinkles and increases in dermal collagen synthesis. GF-technology is also being used successfully for encouraging healthy hair growth, reducing the appearance of scars, supporting the skin during post-procedure healing, and shortening the healing time of burn wounds. 

Book AQ Gfit Facial

Book AQ Gfit Facial

Book AQ GFIT Hair

Book AQ GFIT Hair



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